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Nigeria go start Mpox vaccination from October 8 after approval

World Health Organization don launch 6-month plan to stop mpox

August 27, 2024

The United Nations health agency, World Health Organization (WHO) don launch six-month plan to stop mpox transmission outbreaks. The plan go involve increasing staff for the countries wey dey affected, and improving surveillance, prevention, and response strategies.

World Health Organization (WHO) talk say the plan, wey go run from September till February next year, go need $135 million to work well, and dem plan to make sure say everybody get equal access to vaccines, especially for African countries wey the outbreak hit hardest.

Meanwhile, Germany don agree to donate 100,000 doses of mpox vaccine from their military reserves to help fight the outbreak for Africa. One government spokesperson announce today say Germany currently get about 117,000 doses of the Jynneos vaccine, wey dem buy for 2022, and the country dey work to fast-track the delivery of the vaccines to the regions wey mpox dey affect the most, especially Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, and other East African countries.


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