President Bola Tinubu talk say e strongly support Africa-led credit rating agency (ACRA), e talk say e go help give fairer and more transparent credit assessments for African economies.
Him talk this one yesterday for the 38th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union (AU) Heads of State and Government wey happen for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. President Tinubu explain say an independent Africa-led rating agency go help provide fairer assessments of African economies and go reduce the bias wey dey common for the global rating agencies wey dey now.
President Tinubu also urge the African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) to put priority for the creation of a combined maritime task force to boost security for the Gulf of Guinea.
E also talk say the Africa Financing Stability Mechanism (AFSM) important as the continent dey face serious challenges like rising borrowing costs, debt overhang, low domestic resource mobilisation, and limited access to long-term affordable financing.